How to create an At-home Performance Studio

How to create an At-home Performance Studio

Dear readers, 

I am delighted to post the first guest article by a friend of the blog. It is written by Joyce Wilson  and It is about how to create a performance studio at home. Joyce Wilson is a retired teacher, based in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Together with a fellow retired teacher, they have created through which they share creative ideas that help teachers in the classroom. 

How to Create an At-Home Performance Studio

 Art, particularly music, is meant to be shared. In a world where gathering together is hard, however, many performers are at a loss for how to share it. Creating something that people can consume in their own homes, such as an album, video series, or podcast, means you can use your gift to bring people joy. Want to nail it? Set up a performance studio in your home.

 Here’s a look at a few of the things you’ll need to consider.

 Should You Make a Studio?

There are many benefits to having a studio.

 Create Your Budget

Without a spending plan, costs can quickly get out of hand.

 What You Need

Nail the details, and you’ll have a great studio for filming, recording, and more!


Bringing your music to the world may require a different process than it did several months ago, but it’s still possible. It’s also still important. Violin music gives us joy and brings us through difficult times. Sharing your work with others makes a difference.


Image via Pexels